I've been reading some articles about "Geoengineering", and wondered what everyone else thought of the ideas.
If you're not familiar with it, Geoengineering is the further manipulation of the environment to achieve desired climatic outcomes. For example, the injection of sulfates into the stratosphere, to increase the planet's albedo, and cause a small amount of global cooling (similar to how the earth cools by fractions of a degree when there are large volcanic eruptions):

Or, in a different league altogether, some have proposed a near-transparent shield to be put in between the earth and the sun to block out whatever amount of sunlight we don't want hitting earth. So we can say, "Okay, we only want 98.9% of the sun's intensity this month, to keep the temperature where we want it".
Thoughts? I can provide more details if no one else is familiar enough, or if more people are curious

If you have access to Journals, good articles can be found at:
Nature (2007): "Is this what it takes to save the world?"
http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v447/n7141/full/447132a.htmlCrutzen. Climate Change (2006): "Albedo Enhancement by Strospheric Sulfur Injections: A Contribution to Resolve a Policy Dilemma?"