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Topic: remembering chemistry  (Read 5356 times)

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Offline phillyj

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remembering chemistry
« on: November 11, 2007, 03:51:16 PM »
its been about a year since i took my first gen chem class and theres so much i can't remember. I have very poor memory. I haven't worked out any problems but in order for me to pass my pcats i have to reread the 1000+ page text. i think chem is very interesting but i'm amazed at how many of the members are answering the questions posted. How can i remember better?

btw, are my posts annoying?

Offline lemonoman

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Re: remembering chemistry
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2007, 05:02:49 PM »
its been about a year since i took my first gen chem class and theres so much i can't remember. I have very poor memory. I haven't worked out any problems but in order for me to pass my pcats i have to reread the 1000+ page text. i think chem is very interesting but i'm amazed at how many of the members are answering the questions posted. How can i remember better?

btw, are my posts annoying?

Your problem is in bold.

I also have a terrible memory.  Especially when it comes to a lot of the boring concepts in chemistry.

But being on this forum, answering even just one or two questions a day, keeps that info fresh in my mind :)

As for remembering how to do stuff for your PCATs....I recommend practice practice practice....If you start to redo some of the problems, then hopefully your old knowledge will come back to help you out a bit :)

Good luck!

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