The reaction Co(NH3)5F2++H2O---Co(NH3)5(H2O)3+ + F- is acid catalyzed and proceeds according to the rate law
Rate= -d[Co(NH3)5F2+]/dt = k [Co(NH3)5F2+]a[H+]b
The times for half and for ¾ of the complex to react are given in the following table for the indicated temperatures and initial concentrations. Show what are the values of the exponents a and b must be.
[Co(NH3)5F2+]/M [H+]/M Temperature/ oC T ½ /h T ¾ /h
0.1 0.01 35 1 2
0.2 0.02 35 0.5 1
0.1 0.01 50 0.5 1
Is it accurate for me to say that there is a constant reduction of concentration from T ¾ to T ½ ? Hence a pseudo 1st order reaction is expected? Is that the purpose of putting this information up?
Comparing (1) and (3), when temperature increased by 15 oC, rate of reaction increased by ½.
Comparing (2) and (3), when [Co(NH3)5F2+] and [H+] were halved , the increased in temperature was cancelled out. Is it correct to have:
[0.5] a[0.5]b = 0.5 hence a+b=1, since acid is used as a catalyst, the order of reaction wrt to H+ is 0 and the order of reaction wrt to Co(NH3)5F2+ is 1?
However, comparing (1) and (2),
_______________ = 1/ 0.5
____= 2 ------ hence a+b = -1,
How do I logic this out? Please help me. Thanks!