The compound, Na3CrO4 (does this exist? i'm not sure if it does exist or is it a typo-error with my question paper), is an unstable dark green solid. The addition of dilute sulphuric acid to this produces a solution containing chromium (III) ions and dichromate (VI) ions, Cr2O7^2-. When a 1.00g sample of the impure green solid was reacted in this way, the Cr(VI) in the resulting solution reacted with an excess of potassium iodide to liberate 5.0 x 10^-3 moles of iondine, I2.
(a) Calculate the oxidation state of chromium in Na3CrO4, and construct a balance equation for its reaction with dilute acid.
I need some help with this question,
Firstly, does the compound actually exist? What I know is that CrO4 has a oxidation state of -2, doesn't it mean that Sodium Chromate is Na2CrO4 then?
Secondly, any idea what products are formed in the equation?
I need to get my assignment done soon, please help.
Thanks in advance.