WOO HOO...I got Tom Jupille to add
www.chemicalforums.com as a link on their site.
This is the most powerful Chromatography site around. The biggest heaviest hitters in Chromatography are up there Jupille, Pohl, Tracey, Moore, etc....)....WOO HOO.....now they added
www.chemicalforums.com as a link....
I do want to warn you that they have a job section on their forum....so if you are looking for a Chromatography position....that is the place to go....
This site is dedicated to chromatography and offers some very powerful tools (learning/training) including webex training in GLP/GMP.....I am so glad to see they recognize Chemical Forums as a valuable link/resource.
So maybe I will see you up there....!!!!
We are listed right on their FAQ page; which, is one of the tabs on their forum.
Here is the response and link:
Thanks for the suggestion; I can see this as being one of my regular "productivity killers"

I've added a link in the FAQ section:
http://www.lcresources.com/wiki/index.php?title=ChromFAQ:MoreInfo#On-line_Discussion_Groups_.2F_Bulletin_Boards -- Tom Jupille / Chrom Forum Admin