In response to this:
b]This is where we disagree. I do not think there are very many people who visit this site to try and find a job. Your multiple job/joke posts distort the forum away from its primary purpose of answering questions.[/b]I do not have the power to change a person's focus. I certainly do not move thousands who visit this forum with a certain goal in mind...OOPS and magically their focus jobs/jokes...if they want to view jobs and jokes they choose that forum...
No one forces anyone there...if you have your settings such that you want those notifications...they come thru...HHHHMMMM how come I never get those notifications?
If a person comes here for problem solving assistance they go to the sub-section for the assistance they give me/credit me with too much power!!!! or are you trying to imply paople cannot think and decide for themselves what they want to view?
I am not distorting anything by adding content to an existing sub-forum...that is what it is there for.
color=teal]Am I in a blinding rage against you - No.
Do I hate you - No of course not I've never met you.
Do your posts annoy me - Yes.[/color]So I asked the question to see if I was alone in my irritation with you and your posts and it turns out I'm not the only one annoyed by your incessant posting of jobs & jokes.[/b]So shut down the job forum then!!! ..and the only incessant posts will be in the sections where people ask questions.....You do not hate me personally-you hate what I hate that I keep those 2 sections current...Are you really threatened by jokes and jobs?
HELLO!!! UM you needed backup first before you told me you were annoted....THAT IS PRICELESS!!!!!So don't the other incessant posts by others annoy you too?

I see an aweful lot of incessant posting going on in the forum!!!! Is that also irritating to you? Or do those incessant posts rock your world?
I mean HELL!!! This post right here....INCESSANT!!!!
I am irritated by alot of things all y'all post...but this is a have the freedom to speak your mind...this post of yours is irritating because it is illogically conceived...and I do not care who agrees or disagrees...this is my opinion...and I am entitled to that!!!!
I am irritated and do not have to back it up by saying so are others NA NA NA NA NA I made it out of grade school!!!!....I can stand on my own!!!! When something irritates me...I have this DELETE option!!!! So OH I USE IT!!! It is an amazing thing....I delete alot of stuff that comes into my box....TONS OF IT!!!!
And if you think posting jobs, internships, co-ops is a bad thing you are blinded by something!!!! That is just a given!!! I mean...what is your real issue...because that is just unbeleivable.
However, you are entitled to your opinion:
Yes some are global but most are for the US but that is not the real issue.
Yes of course some people read them, I've read some of them but it is not the reason I visit chemicalforums. Yes people work after graduation, I've been employed continuously for the last 12½ years since I got my PhD. I always keep an eye out for the next job but i look for them at specific sites. Job posting are not a negative in the correct location. However I do not feel that chemicalforums is the correct place for them.And you just contradicted yourself, AGAIN, and why would I expect less!!!! Neither is it the main purpose of others...they visit multiple sub-sections..just like your RIGHT....No one said it was the main purpose of the forum...this is some dictate you have conceived in your own mind....
AAAHHH no one is negating INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES....I POST WHAT IS SENT TO ME!!!! They are diverse...some regions are more prevalent than others...I POST WHAT I GET....It is not a pre-designation....
The jobs are posted in the CORRECT LOCATION....the JOB SECTION of the FORUM.
On this forum you have the freedom to go where you like...TRY THAT!!!
Exactly which of those companies is not global? 99.9% are GLOBAL...they have international jobs posted then if you go elsewhere....great for you!!!
There are people who do not know where to go....they do not know what to look for...they do not know how to proceed...see those posts give them apps to fill out and once they have the experience of going thru the process...OMG they get it!!!!
Sometimes people need a little help..Hell, i had to explain to one of my graduate advisors how to fill out his app for DEA...I informed him of that job....INSIDER INFORMATION..I worked for US CUSTOMS...and you know what...he filled his app out just like mine...AND HE GOT IT...GS12 right in the door...
And he told me if he had not had my app as a guideline he never would have answered the questions that way...and he knew he would not have gotten that job....see that is a 30 page application!!!!! And it winds up being 60 pages when completed with all thew documentation!!!!!
I mean everyone can use a little help RIGHT!!!!!
BUT, why should I NOT share info sent to me by a friend who works there? Why not let someone else benefit from that 411?
GOOD FOR YOU..glad you have been employed for 12.5 years...I have been employed continuously since 1993...BUT I have gone to different companies...diversity is the spice of life!!!!
OH, lets see my PhD is complete except for my PhD ABD...I believe my resume reads that way...I do not have to put all my credentials out there to make a point....but since you opened the door....
WHY NOT LET SOMEONE benefit from those job have been employed for 12.5 years....what about those who are NOT/ have NOT!!!! Why not help someone just starting out...
OK I belong to ACS, AIC, Iota Sigma PI, Sigma PI Sigma, APS, IPS....want more? I mean did you want them all???
WOW this forum advertises incentives to get other sites to link to it!!!!! Well, see these organizations foster the belief they should help mentor the careers of those who require assistance....
I was going to approach sepsci and ask them to link to chemicalforums....BUT OMG can you imagine they answer chromatography questions AND have a JOB FORUM....and IT IS CURRENT....and they do not need to see this negativity!!!!!! And what cannot handle the job forum here so if you link to another forum that has one....OMG imagine the fallout!!!!! Absolutely the most absurd ideas I have encountered in a very long time!!!!!
Or is this just a case of "things were tough for me so they should be for others. Are you one of those people who think everyone should have a tough time?"
You cannot apply your criteria to cannot force them to think within the lines you feel are are entitled to your is an OPINION....not a dictate...not a law written in stone...
Giving people the information about how to find a job, how to apply, interview technique etc. is one thing but posting jobs is very different. This forum is set up and arranged to answer questions. Jobs are better listed in a way that allows users to search by key words, location, salary, experience required etc. This forum is not set up like that but other sites are. I think we should direct people to those specialist sites rather than trying to turn this question and answer forum into a job listing site.The directions in those posts for those positions TELLS THEM WHAT TO DO!!!!
EXACTLY RIGHT this is NOT a JOB FORUM...and it should not and would not have the same tools as a job forum has....IT WOULD HAVE A CURRENT LIST OF INTERESTING POSITIONS...AS DO OTHER FORUMS...OMG are you blind?
This is also a contradiction....I have directed them to a source...a direct source...I am telling them where the Co-Op and Internships are....and the directions in the applications tell them what they need to do.
Excuse me isn't that the subtitle in that sub-forum?

Or am I halucinating? It says: "
If you are looking for a job, an internship....etc...feel free to post your CV..." It was there long before I arrived on this forum!!!
So the job and humor forums were fine by you ...UNITL they became more active than is to your liking!!!!!I CLEARLY SEE THE ROOT CAUSE OF YOUR IRRITATION long as they lay dormant...OK WITH YOU...ACTIVE-NOT OK.....I mean the job and humor forums have been around quite awhile!!!!!
So if they exist and are dormant...they stay...if they exist and are active....they go!!!!!
Yes, I clearly see the logic in all that!!!!!
This all started when I started to ADD TO THE FORUM....CHEMICAL FORUMS IS NOT A JOB SITE-it is a forum that is a support system for people in chemistry and related sciences-it is diverse-it has many of which is a job section.
Are you trying to streamline it?...Why do you want to limit the dimension? Well, then you go.....carry on then!!!!
Every bit of this dissention started when I began to keep the job and humor forums current....they were both set in place long ago.....This all started when I began to add to it daily....Isn't a job sub-forum supposed to be kept current?
So then some sections can be kept current and others not...just depends on what YOU want!!!!
Do you really beleive I can make people go to the JOB and JOKE section....

That is amusing!!! GD I wish I could make people do what I want them to do..
THAT IS IRRATIONAL!!!!! You are placing the focus on those 2 sections....they were rolling along just fine....UNTIL - BOOM!!!!! OMG...look someone is adding to the....
Now why do you suppose it is I keep adding to the job section? Could it be because I am asked to? Did you consider that? OH yeah....forgot I have no let me just format job postings....HA HA HA
OH and best of all just let me listen to more absurdities....I mean I just live for that!!!!
JOKES: The HUMOR FORUM is a is purely for entertainment purposes....GET A GRIP now!!!!! The focus is not on the JOKE forum....You got upset and angry when the Admin made me the Moderator...he did that because I keep it current....Feel free to add more content!!!!!
Has been there a long time...I never stop anyone from posting....SO POST THERE!!!! I do not have OWNERSHIP/DOMAIN over the Humor is open to all!!!!!
I cannot make people go there!!!! They go there if they want to.....Your incessent contradictions annoy is like being on a technical support call...I keep hearing contradictions....
Get the facts straight...I ignore alot of BS up here things I consider to be BS- let me clarify that)...I delete it...
CASE IN POINT : yesterday a REAL SPAMMER selling used cell phones POSTED on the General Discussion forum...and all these defenders of the forum...LOL just let it go...just let him ride....THAT WAS SPAM...THAT WAS OBVIOUSLY NOT WHAT THE FORUM IS FOR....that was the most hypocritical display I have ever seen...and NO ONE JUMPED HIS A#@! BECAUSE....BECAUSE.....BECAUSE...? WHY?
just waited and waited and waited and watched....and used cell phones is OK!!! Jobs for undergrads, grads, post-docs, chemists...OH BAD THING!!!! Something not right with that!!!!
A few remarks were posted....AHHHH no action to eliminate it!!!! AND WHY WOULD THAT BE? I see someone EM~wave....she got it:
Without a job no one would be able to buy one of those used cell phones!!!![/color]
I wrote to the Admin and he pulled the post....WHY DID ALL OF YOU NOT DO THAT!!!!!?

So do not tell me there is NO double standard there/here!!! It is OBVIOUS!!!
All this started when the posts to the Job Section and Joke section became current because I had things to add. And if you think I am so powerful to be able to direct the total attention/focus of the people who come here to a joke section and a job section...WELL RETHINK THAT!!!!
If they come to seek out a job-JOB FORUM
If they come for an answer to an analytical chemistry problem-analytical chemistry forum
If they want to post a blog-blog forum
HHHMMM sounds right to me!!!!
I cannot direct focus....YOU HAVE PLACED THE FOCUS ON THOSE TWO SECTIONS...they just existed and were kept current...UNTIL YOU BLEW THIS ALL OUT OF PROPORTION...this is YOUR do not have to view those posts...there are plenty of other posts to view....WHY NOT FOCUS ON THE PROLEM SOLVING SECTIONS...See I was doing that....Now I do problems, jobs, and jokes...DIVERSITY!!!!
You and your croonies are on a mission to get rid of the job section-after that it will be the humor section!!! And then what section will be next? AAAHHHH the BLOG Section will go.. More power to you...SO BE IT!!! You know ...most people recognize a witch hunt when they see it!!!
NOW YOU JUST MAKE SURE I PAY FOR THIS REPLY!!!!!! one way or just make sure that happens!!!! I SEE YOU HAVE DONE THAT...keep stripping those points then...becuse you can!!!!!![/b]
OMG...Are you warning me? LMAO..have heard that before!!!!!
OH I agree with P's suggestion...not a bad idea....would be nice to streamline and reformat so that section is easier to maneuver...International, USA, CANADA....Very nice idea...that is what I posted people do not have to weed thru so many find what they want.So go ahead and do your very best to eliminate that job section....since every other forum that is similar in nature and mission to Chemical Forums has one....this will be the only one without that ASSET....It will make you 1 in a million!!!!!!STICKY Thread: Step-wise outline what one requires to find a job..
Break jobs into segments/categories so they are easy to weed thru....