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Topic: Simply Inacceptable!  (Read 12168 times)

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Offline AngryVisitor

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Simply Inacceptable!
« on: March 20, 2008, 06:48:35 AM »
You have also Guests!

I'm only a minimal amount of Guests, but:
    It is simply inacceptable to continue as it is!

I voted for ditch it, as otherwise never anything will happen!
We like the ChemicalForums, and not a Marketplace of Jobs & Jokes with some Chemistry!
But it mutates there!   Where is our Delete button?

And You have much more Guests as Members!

Voice of angry guests.

Offline agrobert

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Re: Simply Inacceptable!
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2008, 09:42:38 AM »
How can you be so upset if you have only one post?  What are your reasons for coming to chemical forums?
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Offline Arkcon

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Re: Simply Inacceptable!
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2008, 09:49:51 AM »
So, putting it calmly, the delete button doesn't work for guests?  I haven't tried it, but then there's no real reason to log in as a guest, for me.  Are you sure you've tried it?  I assumed, most of the guests on the Users Online button were search engine bots, or people who just googled, they seem to look at very old topics ... http://www.chemicalforums.com/index.php?action=who


Ah yes, when not logged in, there is no access to recent unread posts, only to Recent posts ... http://www.chemicalforums.com/index.php?action=recent Which, Borek: did say, was becoming cluttered.  That is, until he posted (admittedly only a few) jokes.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline Alpha-Omega

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Re: Simply Inacceptable!
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2008, 11:59:46 AM »
Interesting perception:

I voted for ditch it, as otherwise never anything will happen!
We like the ChemicalForums, and not a Marketplace of Jobs & Jokes with some Chemistry!
But it mutates there!   Where is our Delete button?

And You have much more Guests as Members!

There is 1 Job subforum (board)
There are 16 Chemistry subforums (boards) for area specific questions
There are 7 subforums 9boards) in general Forums Section in this section there is one board for General discussion here there is 1 Humor subforum (board).  In this section there is 1 Job subforum (board)..

HHHHMMMM do the math!!!!!!

I find it odd I never am notified of recent posts in the job forum or humor forum....but then I have never requested notification from these boards.

I have requested notifications from: General Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, and Analytical Chemistry.  I can clearly see I do not get all those notifications....

Now if you are a GUEST....and you are not looking for a job then do not go to the JOB FORUM.

If you are a GUEST...and you are NOT seeking to read new jokes...then do not go to the Humor Forum...

If you are here for help with CHEMISTRY....go to the forum which addresses your issue/question....I guarantee you there is someone there who will help you!!!!!

On the other hand, if you are unemployed, unhappily employed, or seeking to change/advance your career, you may find an employment opportunity posted in the job forum that may interest you.  Even if you do not, there is contact information in those posts you may find useful!!!!!!

Now why all the ANGER!!!!!  it is a simple process to maneuver this forum...go where you like and avoid what does not appeal to you!!!!

Now what would be UNACCEPTABLE...is that this forum has job popups, it has referenced jobs in posts on the blog like this: 


Other powerful forums such as Separation Science:  www.sepsci.com have referenced chemical forums as a valuable reference and have set a link to this site on their forums....so people can be directed here for help....Well, sepsci has a job board..


So if I follow your logic then chemicalforums would have to dissociate itself from any body that supports or posts or touts jobs....in any way shape or form...and only post chemistry questions????

Even the pharma forum here addresses the current employment issues in pharma.....so that would have to cease..

I mean just trying to understand your LOGIC....people come here for assistance with chemistry questions...if they do well in school they graduate...if they graduate they will be seeking a job....a job in chemistry or some related field....and posting some of these opportunities IS BAD BECAUSE?!!!!!!!!!

Please help me to understand what you mean?

So if one does not find a specific board useful or interesting....then one can bypass it...or..OH...set a poll in motion to eliminate it....regardless of whether or not it is useful to others!!!!

This forum is eclectic...that is part of its charm, power, and utility!!!

« Last Edit: March 20, 2008, 12:49:09 PM by Alpha-Omega »

Offline AngryVisitor

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Re: Simply Inacceptable!
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2008, 12:05:36 PM »
Yes I'm again.  Worse Luck!

A-O:     It looks as you would like it only this way!
How should we or anyone argue against such garbage, so that you may catch it at the end?
You are not able to read a (not only one) simple text-question and catch its sense, but answer instead with 'airing them out', 'smell in a cloth dryer', 'recipes for gel candels', 'mass production', 'Cetaphyl', etc., etc., etc., ...
How can you bawl: 'Peace out!!!!!' and declare the forums to your private batelfield? Are you already co-owner, or even without any co-?
Are you only able to hount the records of most postings and most-false Snacks? And you still continue with both!
It is simply a great shame that you are not the only who not realises that this is a chem. forum and not a female coffe party or something like a female tabloid press.
Question: How was you able to got und keep still the status of a Gloable Moderator under that circumstanc?
Who protects such disqualifying doing, that now also migrates to the quality of the entire Chemical Forums?
That's also a big discreditation of all other Global Moderators!

It would be a good thing for all of us, if you keep in mind that YOU wrote: 'Pease out!!!!!', before you start again to write without thinking in front.
But I think, it's anyway all in vain.

Agrobert: How many topics are required for a Member before it's allowed to get angry, and how many for a Guest?
          I never had in mind to have more then this topic yet, but ... .

Mitch:    When will you RE-ACT?

Is Quality really a value not worth to be kept for this forums?
It's really worse if Guests care more as Members do.


Offline Alpha-Omega

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Re: Simply Inacceptable!
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2008, 10:56:10 PM »
Please EXPRESS YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since you are so angry with me, why don't you direct your remarks to me?

I see you feel some posts are trivial.  Triviality is in the eye of the beholder.  Those simple questions regarding gel candle recipes, removing the smell of napthalene, frozen asthma inhaler, etc..., are also deserving of answers/responses.  If you look at those posts, you clearly see I am NOT the only one who responded.  So if you JUMP me THEN you have to jump everyone who answered them.

Are you trying to say that those questions are of less importance than any other chemically oriented question on this forum?  So only certain kinds of questions should be asked/answered?  There have been thousands of questions like that posted here...I am not the only one who responded.

Your logic leaves alot to be desired....looks like you are at a tea party of ONE!!!!!!!  If I am so trivial, so inane, and I do love your reference to FEMALE...so may times...Thank You for making that CRYSTAL!!!!  I have been saying that for the longest time!!!!  You just VALIDATED evrything I have been saying with these words: 

"It is simply a great shame that you are not the only who not realises that this is a chem. forum and not a female coffe party or something like a female tabloid press. "

Have you attempted to read any of these:








If you need any clarification regarding those response I wrote I would be glad to enlighten you  ;D  It would be My Pleasure.. ;)

One more thing, if you love this forum so much...and you keep touting your undying support to see it be driven in a specific direction...then why have you not become a member?  Or is it that you are a member, and this is your other IDENTITY...what IP address are you using.  Or do you just access this ID every once-in-a-while from another computer?  HHHMMM  Lots to think about there!!! 

From your logical perspective:  You will not join because Alpha-Omega is on the forum.  Well, why not join and wipe her out!!!  That should be a reason that drives you to become a member...These very infrequent posts that soley consist of rantings and ravings in opposition to Alpha-Omega...are well, not too credible!!!!

AHHHH and if you believe my responses to questions are of no consequence (by demeaning my response you have demeaned the posed questions)  Well, you must have been interested enough to seek them out and read them....So why not read the ones listed above.  Or are they just a little over your level of comprehension...I would be glad to explain the questions and answers to you...I have the credentials...would you like photo copies? OH MY BAD!!!!!

Tranq Down!!!!!!  PEACE OUT!!!!!!  You are NOT my BATTLE...Apparently, I am yours!!!!!  I give you a reason to whine and moan.  Without me being around....you have no cause.  Enjoy the ride....because there is a woman on board!!!!!  Get used to it!!!!!  Remember, I can be just as RELENTLESS as you are-I have the reputation!!!   ;)

Remember you have made me what I am today....A CELEBRITY...Famous and Infamous!!!!!  ;D


Alpha-Omega   ;)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2008, 12:53:27 AM by Alpha-Omega »

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