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Topic: Acetone mixed with Gasoline  (Read 194599 times)

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Offline eugenedakin

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Re: Acetone mixed with Gasoline
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2008, 10:04:59 PM »
I just have to throw my $0.02 in:

Acetone has the following compatibility ratings (Excellent - compatible, severe effect - incompatible)

PVC: Poor
Teflon: Good
ABS: Severe Effect
Polypropylene: Fair
Ryton: Good
Viton: Poor
Buna N/Nitrile: Poor
Neoprene: Poor
Ethylene Propylene: Fair
Fluorocarbon: Poor

You can usually inject up to 30% water into your internal combustion engine to improve combustion.

Acetone precipitates paraffins, so if you have any of this in your fuel fraction, you will have paraffin particles on the bottom of your fuel tank to plug your fuel filter.

Take care everyone,

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Offline ssmarkk

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Re: Acetone mixed with Gasoline
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2010, 05:52:28 PM »
I read this article and have decided to try to add acetone into gasoline to improve a gas mileage for my 1998 Ford Taurus with 127,000 miles on it.

These are preconditions I had for my Taurus: I used gasoline with 89 octane number containing up to 10% of ethanol. Changed engine oil regularly every 3,000 miles. Driving mostly in city. Gas mileage before experiment was 16 MPG in city and 28 MPG on high way.

Before performing experiment I did change the following: fuel filter, air filter, and tuned up spark plugs. I would like to make it clear, that my purpose was to IMPROVE GAS MILAGE, so I did not care about careful distinction between effect of acetone and effect due to tune up. Obviously (according to all the recommendations and manuals), changing filters and tuning up spark plugs should increase gas mileage.

Filling gas for a first time:
When about 2 gallons of gasoline left in my gas tank, I have added 2 fl ounces of acetone and added 6 gallons of gasoline. NOTE: I did not pure acetone directly into the tank. Instead, I have performed pre mixture of acetone and gasoline in 20 ounces plastic bottle, then on gas station BEFORE filling my car I poured gasoline-acetone mixture from 20 ounces bottle first and then filled with 6 gallons of gasoline.
INTERMEDIATE RESULT 1: on these 6 gallons I made about 96 miles which is 16 MPG.
INTERMEDIATE CONCLUSION 1: tuneup and filter changes together with acetone do not improve gas mileage. May be if tuneups improve gas mileage acetone decrease gas mileage giving no total effect.

I did not give up (and in order to improve statistics) I continued.

Filling gas for a second time:
When about 2 gallons of gasoline left in my gas tank, I have added 1.2 fl ounces of acetone and added 6 gallons of gasoline.
INTERMEDIATE RESULT 2: on these 6 gallons I made about 105 miles which is 17.5 MPG.
INTERMEDIATE CONCLUSION 2: OOPS!!! Gas mileage of my car increased!

With this encouraging result I continued.
Filling gas for a third time:
When about 2 gallons of gasoline left in my gas tank, I have added 1.2 fl ounces of acetone and added 6 gallons of gasoline.
INTERMEDIATE RESULT 3: on these 6 gallons I made about 114 miles which is 19 MPG.
INTERMEDIATE CONCLUSION 3: Gas mileage of my car keeps increasing!

Filling gas for a fourth time:
When about 2 gallons of gasoline left in my gas tank, I have added 1.2 fl ounces of acetone and added 6 gallons of gasoline.
INTERMEDIATE RESULT 4: on these 6 gallons I made about 120 miles which is 20 MPG.
INTERMEDIATE CONCLUSION 4: Looks like gas mileage of my car is reaching saturation point, and overall GAS MILEAGE INCREASED from 16 to 20 MPG, which is a very good result as for me.

I did not change my driving style. I did fill gasoline at the same gas station (Conoco by the way). I did drive all these miles in city with no single mile on the interstate and with highest speed of 40 MPH.

Why do I observe gradual increase in MPG? I am observing that as percent of ethanol in gasoline decreases the mileage increases. Thus, after first gas filling, there where 10% of ethanol in 2 gallons of gas = 0.2 gallons of ethanol in tank and 1.8+6 gallons of gasoline. After second tank filling there where 0.05 gallons of ethanol in tank, after third one 0.0125 gallons of ethanol and after fourth time there where 0.0031 of ethanol, etc.

GENERAL CONCLUSION: To improve your gas mileage I would suggest replacing a gasoline filter, air filter, oil and oil filter according with maintains schedule. Try to use gasoline with no ethanol added and see for MPG results.

If you decided to add acetone into your tank you can give a try, but you should remember there is no guarantee and all responsibility is lying on your shoulders. Personally, I do not have any evidence that allows to claim that ethanol in such a small concentration (2 ounces of acetone per 10 gallons of gasoline) is able to damage engine of your car or destroy or damage rubber rings in your fuel system. Remember, gasoline by itself is a very good thinner and if a gasoline pipe is designed for a gasoline it should sustain such a small amount of acetone as well.
REMEMBER: If you are planning to add acetone into your tank always premix acetone with gasoline in separate container to decrease acetone concentration.

Offline yjacket2001

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Re: Acetone mixed with Gasoline
« Reply #32 on: June 01, 2010, 01:32:05 PM »
I don't know who all the self claimed organic chemists are to "dead wrong" broad claims.

I've got a 2 valve 3.9L 6 cyl Dodge dakota, and I've been getting 20% minimum increase in mileage, mild turbo enhancement performance, and faultless performance.

Its got 200K miles, but I take care of it and did front end, tire pressure, shocks, plugs, wires, and 10 gal per fillup like kipkey on You Tube, "double your gas mileage! 2X!".

PLUS I tried a range of oz per 10 gal gas, and the best mileage was what kipkey suggested: 1 oz per 10 gallons or 1/13th of a percent!

My biggest gripe is I've got 16oz in Ace Hardware metal container with a screw top, not even opened, and I need to move it out of my cab (it increases pressure, expands at 86F!!)! I would not trust the stuff in my trunk if I had a car! However, I will build a box to carry my small ammo can in the back of my truck. ITS THAT GOOD OF A THING! I've simulated it driving about 130 miles per day 5 days a week for 2 months so far.

Its been flawless. Just don't repour or contaminate pure solvent, and ace is the only metal pint with a screw top. It is just that strong chemical smell will make you nod out at the wheel. A small lock box near the rear on the side of my gas tank should do it, which I can put my ammo can inside.

And do your maintenance! You will enjoy it. Even Lapointe has a high mix ratio. Kipkey was right on with the 1 oz per 10 gallons. I got a 100% on my Informative speech at school today, and I do have 2 previous GA Tech engineering degrees  :-)

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