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Topic: what's the best plastic to use for..  (Read 7565 times)

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Offline inhahe

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what's the best plastic to use for..
« on: November 02, 2008, 07:47:47 PM »
We want to create glittered tiles for a floor.  We figure the best option is to use some clear material, like polyurethane, mixing it with the glitter and then pouring it on the tile to set. since we don't want pieces of glitter sticking up half way out of the tile, we would should probably put a second coat on (unglittered) after the first layer dries. 

We think polyurethane won't be durable enough to withstand being walked on all the time.

I was thinking, since there are so many plastics out there, there might be one to fit what we need.  We need a material with the following properties:

- is clear, and clear enough that you won't notice any tint
- doesn't have to be heated too hot to melt, because we don't have any special heating devices -- just the oven/stove/microwave.
- is durable enough for floor usage
- will smooth itself out over the tile from gravity and harden flatly
- we probably will want it to taper downward at the edges of the tiles, so they're shaped like normal tiles and don't look ugly at the borders, so we'll want to poor it onto a tile without any kind of box around it to keep it on, so it should have to have enough viscosity to layer on thick enough but while still being fluid enough to harden flat (except where it tapers at the sides).  if that's not possible, though, we may be able to put up with just using a container around the tile to hold the fluid and having 90-degree-angled edges.

thanks for your time.

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Re: what's the best plastic to use for..
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 03:38:33 AM »
Google what they use for terrazzo.
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Offline HHOTEK

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Re: what's the best plastic to use for..
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2008, 02:22:41 PM »
Your on the right track with polyurethane and even correct with the process but there is a step you have left out.  When you apply the first layer with glitter in it once it sets up if you do have high spots from the glitter you will have to sand them down otherwise the second coat will also have the same high spots.  It just like painting a car,  if you have a run in the first coat if clear it doesnt matter how may layers you add it will always be there. 
so with that said lay your coat of poly with glitter then using a drum sander with a fine sand paper 800-1000 grit paper and sand it down till smooth then apply the next layer.  If you are wanting a incredibly slick finish you can use a finer grit on the top layer as well and then polish it. 
As far as poly being durable i have all of my concrete floors in my plants covered with poly and it holds up great.

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Re: what's the best plastic to use for..
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2008, 02:46:04 PM »
first off - you rock
second - a plus about the polyu is that it has some give to it but is still durable.  your back will thank you when you're prepping dinner for the next holiday.  if you wanted to get a little more geeky with it you could throw some black light responsive glitter in the mix and have yourself a kitchen rave! woohoo!

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