20 ml 0,50 M Na2SO4 is added to a mixture of 40 ml 0,10 M BaCl2 and 40 ml 0,10 M CaCl2.
Determine [Ba^2+] og [Ca^2+] at equlibrium.
L(BaSO4) = 1,5*10^-9 M^2
L(CaSO4) = 6,1*10^-5 M^2.
So I found the concentrations
c(Ba^2+) = 0.040 M
c(Ca^2+) = 0.040 M
c(SO4^2.) = 0.100 M
But what now? I know that both salts precipitates since the concentrations of the ions exceeds the required value. But I'm not sure how to calculate the concentrations at equilibrium since I don't know how much of the salts are in solid state.