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Topic: Staff Writers  (Read 11165 times)

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Staff Writers
« on: March 14, 2004, 08:52:18 AM »
We picked up a staff writer for the website. He'll be discussing different aspects of his element collection in his first articles. I'll leave it to him to introduce himself.

If you would like to be a writer for the site let us know, articles have to be Chemistry related. You'll also get your own 20Meg FTP to upload pics and various other things you need for your articles. We'll be looking for 4 more staff writers to round off the website for the next couple months. From there we can see how to manage it, so we can have more writers without cluttering the site. I've already sent invitations to those individuals I think would be best suited for writing. But contact me anyways if I forgot to contact you or don't know you yet, and your interested in writing. This is a non-paid, at your leisure postition, so don't worry about deadlines or anything. There are still 4 more staff writer positions open.

For less formal discussions you can always use the Citizen Chemist forum.

« Last Edit: April 14, 2004, 09:46:08 PM by Mitch »
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