That's an excellent question. I'll now show why this will not happen. Chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetics are connected by the fact that, at equilibrium, the forward rate and backward rate of a reaction are equal. In other words:
f = v
rNow, let us assume that the forward and backward rates follow the expression that you described. Substituting these into the equation (using the equilibrium concentrations) give us the following relation:
eq = k
eqWhich can be rearranged to show give:

This implies a fundamental relation at equilbrium: [Z]/[X] is constant. However, from the definition of the equilibrium constant, we know that this is NOT the relationship we'd expect. The relationship above suggests that [Y] can take on any value as long as [Z]/[X] = k
Instead, we know that the equilibrium constant K is given by:

Clearly, [Y] cannot vary independently of [X] and [Z]. Rather, the quantity [Z]/[X][Y] stays constant at equilibrium. If you think about the math involved, you can prove to yourself that if this is true, then no other combination of [X], [Y], and [Z] can be a constant value. Therefore, if we know that if the backward rate is given by v
f = k
1[X], then the backward rate must have the form v
r = k
The principle above is known the principle of detailed balance and it comes from the assumption that all chemical reactions are reversible. It's very useful for checking kinetic schemes and mechanisms to make sure that they make physical sense.