I am mildly Iron deficient because I've been having a weak diet...
so I went to the store and bought a 60pack of time release iron pills which are
"ascorbic acid 500mg + ferrous sulfate 7H2O 525mg (105 mg Fe++)"
... it turns out these pills contain much more iron than what is actually healthy for me.
The recommended dose of Iron for non-iron deficient people is around 10mg/day.
So my questions are:
- do the pills I have bought contain 525 mg of iron, or do they contain 105mg of iron? (i suspect the latter)
- can i crush these pills and take like 1/5th of such a pill everyday?
that would then equal around 20mg/iron per day... which is a much more ideal dose for me.
I'm kind of worried that if i have these crushed iron pills being exposed to air for 4 days,
that they would react with air and become a useless... or perhaps toxic chemical to my body?
The reason I want to supplement with iron, alongside having a more iron rich diet from now on...
is because I want to boost my iron levels more rapidly than which would
be the case when having a more iron rich diet alone.
I'm having uncomfortable physical problems which I suspect are caused by iron deficiency,
so I want them to be fixed as quickly as possible.
I hope this is the right forum for this kind of question.
Thank you very much