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emperical formulas


well I have to find the empirical formula for the following question

after decomposing  a compound, it was found to contain 4.68 g of carbon and 0.78 g of hydrogen, what is the imperical formula

is the answer C[size=0]2[/size]H?  ???

It should be CH2.

Should it Winga?  Should it really?  ;)

hardeep, check that answer, and make sure you know where the numbers are coming from.  Just in case.  I don't like to throw red herrings, but this WILL be on an exam at some point, no matter what course you're taking.  Know it.

Have a nice day, and good luck :)

the decomposition eraction was basically

CxHy --> xC + yH.

by converting given data to moles, and arriving at the the ratio, the answe should be easy. i obtained CH2 like Winga, tho.

yes i have noticed where I made the mistake i stupidly mixed up the numbers, next time I will write down every last step thanks for everyones time :)


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