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quadratic equation


Lets see, this is off topic but it still relates to Chemistry to help me figure out that ICE table.  how do you put this into a quadratic equation.

50.5= 4x divided by 2.00-1.00x-2.00x+x

I have the answer but I don't know how to get there.  What I mean is that my professor set up that equation into a quadratic equation to finish the problem.  I know how to get up to that point in my table, I know what to do after, I just don't know how to put that equation above into quadratic equation.

I think you need a squared term to be quadratic.

oops I forgot the squared term, this is how the equation should look

50.5= 4x^2 divided by 2.00-1.00x-2.00x+x

So how do I make this quadratic now?

Donaldson Tan:
50.5= 4x2 / ( 2.00-1.00x-2.00x+x)

2.00-1.00x-2.00x+x = 2.00 - 2.00x

50.5= 4x2 / ( 2.00 - 2.00x)

50.5(2.00 - 2.00x) = 4x2

4x2 - 50.5(2.00 - 2.00x) = 0

expand it on your own.


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