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Topic: Make Hydrochloric Acid  (Read 7925 times)

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Make Hydrochloric Acid
« on: August 12, 2005, 08:19:11 AM »
I have chlorine and hydrogen gas (which i got from the electrolysis of brine, I posted a thread on it).

If I burn the two together in a glass bottle I get a small explosion, but there is no liquid left in the bottle (HCL), I presume it must exaporate in the explosion? Is there any way to slow down the react between the chlorine and hydrogen or is there a better method of producing hydrichloric acid?

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Re:Make Hydrochloric Acid
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 10:10:41 AM »
When you combine hydrogen gas and chlorine gas, you don't produce hydrochloric acid.  What you produce is hydrogen chloride which is a gas.  When you dissolve HCl into some water, however, you then make hydrochloric acid.  (Hydrochloric acid is simply a solution of hydrogen chloride in water).  The reaction between hydrogen gas and chlorine gas is a very dangerous one as once the two gases are mixed, exposure to sunlight is enough to catalyze the reaction.  There really is no way to slow it down.

If you go to a hardware store, you should be able to find some concentrated sulfuric acid in the form of a drain cleaner.  If you pour that concentrated acid on some dry table salt you'll produce some HCl vapors.  Just force the vapors into a beaker of water and you'll have some HCl.  Or you could just go and buy a few gallons of muriatic acid.  Then you don't have to do any work and you have a few gallons of nicely concentrated hydrochloric acid for a really cheap price.  :D
« Last Edit: August 12, 2005, 10:12:18 AM by jdurg »
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