January 20, 2025, 11:14:28 AM
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Topic: Which systens would be most suitable for VOC analysis in a field study?  (Read 2166 times)

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Offline omernevo

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I’m planning a research project in which we will try to characterize the VOC signature of tropical fruit in the Amazonian rainforest.

I am a biologist and really haven’t got a clue when it comes to chemical analysis. I looked at common methods which were usually Headspace and then GC-MS and they seem to fit our needs. Yet a major restriction on the systems we could use is their size and durability: they should ideally be portable, but if stationary, they would still have to be transported by boat to a house in the middle of the jungle.
I have seen modern completely portable systems (e.g., Guardion 7), but their price is a bit above our budget for this project.
So the question in whether anyone is familiar with systems which would suit the need of identification of the VOC bouquet of tropical fruit, and would still be in manageable size so they could be used in our field station.

Thanks a lot!

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