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Topic: Sample Preparation for Raman Microscopy  (Read 2509 times)

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Sample Preparation for Raman Microscopy
« on: December 05, 2010, 10:52:58 PM »

My question is regarding sample preparation of biofilm for raman microscopy. In the past, I have used a Renishaw system 2000 raman spectrometer to study protein secondary structure. The sample preparation for this was fairly simple as I lyophilized the protein and placed it on a glass slide. My new project involves raman spectroscopy of a solid biofilm that is produced by Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), Strain 055:H7 (DMS9). The sample preparation for this is slightly more confusing as the biofilm results from a colony and is about 1 mm in diameter and sits on top of the solid medium. This circular biofilm develops on an LB agar plate that is dyed with congo red. Ideally, I'd like to somehow transfer this to a glass slide without transferring the medium. Furthermore, any suggestions for SERS? Is it likely that I can coat the biofilm with silver particles or should the biofilm rest on a gold-coated coverslip. Actually, any advice you can offer for this kind of experiment would be useful to me. Especially suggestions on making a confocal map of the biofilm. Thanks.

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