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Topic: A New Article Is On The Way!  (Read 3803 times)

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A New Article Is On The Way!
« on: September 02, 2005, 12:57:40 PM »
Hey guys.  This is just a heads up about a new article that I am currently producing.  After my recent trip to New Hampshire that involved throwing a sizeable lump of sodium metal into a lake, I decided to start getting rid of my excess sodium.  At the same time, I want to get rid of my excess iodine, but end up with something useful.  As a result, I decided to photograph the process of making sodium iodide (the salt) directly from the two elements.  I have succeeded in doing this, although I do have some battle damage and my bedroom is now smelling like a bottle of iodine solution.  hehe.  While everything will be sterile, it will take some time to get this smell out.  So keep an eye out for the new article as I should have it posted sometime this weekend.   ;D
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