September 12, 2024, 09:25:22 AM
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Topic: Efficiency of steam electrolysis with current density at non standard T and P  (Read 3062 times)

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Offline persephone

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Hello there everyone, I am a Postgraduate studying renewable energy, and I have to do an exam on hydrogen production, even though this isn't my area of expertise and I have very little chemistry background. I have a question to show qualitatively in graph form how efficiency of a high temperature electrolyser varies with current density at 1073 Kelvin and 5 bar. I have been given values for anode and cathode kinetics, so k and E, and an equation for current density, which I have applied. There are also values for electrolyte, cathode and anode conductivities and thickness. I have been playing with equations for Gibbs free energy, and I suspect I must work out theoretical and actual electrode voltages, then energy, and then combine them for the whole cell to get the efficiency? I have no idea how to incorporate pressure into this though, although I understand the difference between absolute and actual values (i.e at standard temperature and pressures). I was just hoping someone could point me in the right direction? Any help would be gratefully appreciated as this is really important! I will reciprocate on a board geared towards my area of study!

Best wishes,


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