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Topic: How to make copper powder from copper wires!  (Read 27187 times)

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Offline leaualorin

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How to make copper powder from copper wires!
« on: March 09, 2011, 01:35:33 PM »
Hello everybody!
I'm new to chemistry , looked the internet for some help regarding the subject "HOW TO MAKE COPPER POWDER"  , and I ended up here on this forum!
I  must first  specify that I'm not good at chemistry but  I am trying to do my best!
So , let's get it on  ;D :
While I was looking for the best ways and materials for  making orgonite  , I ended up  with more questions than answers and  from one issue I got to a lot of "issues" !
One would be that copper is the best  electrical conductor but I wanted it to have a very big surface area/gram ;
That could only be achieved by  making "copper nanoparticles" or buying it!
At 850$ a kg of nano sized  copper, I guess I will have to do it  ::)
So : I got my copper from a bunch of wires (I understand that the copper from the wires is obtained through the electrolitical way and is 99,96% pure, WICH IS GOOD for my orgonite! ).
I wanted to buy sulphuric acid and nitric acid for the "recipe" but 98% sulphuric acid is almost impossible to buy in ROMANIA and if you did find a supplyer they won't sell it to you unless you have some sort of "papers" ;  any other way they will call the police to "have a chat " with you...
So : I searched the net and got to electrolite for batteries!
This "acid" is 1,25-1,28 or so wich equals to about 30% concentration!
Not good at all I think...
Nitric acid I think I can buy without "drawing " too much attention!
My question :
 How do you REAL CHEMISTS suggest I should do in order to obtain an sulphuric acid that is closer to the 98% mark?
I read on some sites that the acid must be boiled to  325 degrees Celsius or even  337 degrees Celsius from wikipedia site!
After having the sulphuric acid  I understand that copper sulphate must be  made , and from some persons again  , IT'S VERY DANGEROUS   because of the gases SO2 , SO3...
 :o  etc ...
The short "story" :
I would really like to receive some help because I'm  a mess right now , don't know from were to start HOW to start and what should I do in order to obtain that  precious copper powder that I wish to put in the epoxy resin along with some big quartz crystal or even  quartz sand of 98,7 SiO2 purity !
Thank you kindly and I wish you all a wonderfull day!

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Re: How to make copper powder from copper wires!
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2011, 02:28:04 PM »
I actually had to read up what "orgonite" it. Never heard of it before.
Apparently its effects are disputed, but let's not get into that.

Copper was your question. Have you tried running a.c. through a moderately dilute solution of an acid (sulfuric might do) with a small quantity of nitrate added, and with copper electrodes? The a.c. should make the copper oxidise/reduce in rapid succession, which will roughen the wire to the point of falling apart in a small powder. You will make many copper oxides though, not necessarily elementary copper.

Whichever way you want to make it, be careful with copper dust. If pure, it will be moderatly pyrophoric and not very healthy.

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Re: How to make copper powder from copper wires!
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2011, 05:58:06 AM »
Dissolve in nitric acid.  get copper nitrate solution.
React copper nitrate solution with ascorbic acid.  Cu powder precipitates.

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Re: How to make copper powder from copper wires!
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2011, 01:33:20 PM »
You could just commit to destroying the blade of the cheapest electric coffee grinder you can find, put copper in it (cut it up first as small as you can), and let it go for a long time. You want to give it a reset every minute or so, since they are not designed for such long use and can overheat and destroy the motor.
Something like this guy:

I use them all the time for grinding in lab setting, and you can get a super fine powered out of it, given enough time.

Offline ajkoer

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Re: How to make copper powder from copper wires!
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2011, 07:27:04 PM »
1. Use FeCl3 to dissolve the copper (Ferric Chloride is a widely used etching compound for copper circuit boards. See below for how to prepare it using only common household products). The equations are as follows:

                                                  FeCl3 + Cu -->  FeCl2 + CuCl
                                                  CuCl + FeCl3 --> FeCl2 + CuCl2
2. Insert an Iron sheet:

                                                   Fe + CuCl2 --> FeCl2 + Cu

3. Scrap off the copper deposited (this part is theoretical, I have not performed it).


 1. Prepare HClO by combing household bleach (NaClO) and a weak acid (like Acetic Acid):

                                                NaClO + HAc --> HClO + NaAc

 2.   Place an iron bar in the fresh HClO:

                                               2 Fe +3 HOCl --> Fe(OH)3 + FeCl3

 The solution will be briefly green with the release of elemental chlorine and subsequently turn reddish-brown with the creation of FeCl3.

 As FeCl3 is ban in Europe for environmental reasons, when finished with the FeCl3, please dilute the FeCl3 with carbonated water and let it stand in the open air. After a few days, Ferric salts will deposit.


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