Hello everybody!
I'm new to chemistry , looked the internet for some help regarding the subject "HOW TO MAKE COPPER POWDER" , and I ended up here on this forum!
I must first specify that I'm not good at chemistry but I am trying to do my best!
So , let's get it on

While I was looking for the best ways and materials for making orgonite , I ended up with more questions than answers and from one issue I got to a lot of "issues" !
One would be that copper is the best electrical conductor but I wanted it to have a very big surface area/gram ;
That could only be achieved by making "copper nanoparticles" or buying it!
At 850$ a kg of nano sized copper, I guess I will have to do it

So : I got my copper from a bunch of wires (I understand that the copper from the wires is obtained through the electrolitical way and is 99,96% pure, WICH IS GOOD for my orgonite! ).
I wanted to buy sulphuric acid and nitric acid for the "recipe" but 98% sulphuric acid is almost impossible to buy in ROMANIA and if you did find a supplyer they won't sell it to you unless you have some sort of "papers" ; any other way they will call the police to "have a chat " with you...
So : I searched the net and got to electrolite for batteries!
This "acid" is 1,25-1,28 or so wich equals to about 30% concentration!
Not good at all I think...
Nitric acid I think I can buy without "drawing " too much attention!
My question :
How do you REAL CHEMISTS suggest I should do in order to obtain an sulphuric acid that is closer to the 98% mark?
I read on some sites that the acid must be boiled to 325 degrees Celsius or even 337 degrees Celsius from wikipedia site!
After having the sulphuric acid I understand that copper sulphate must be made , and from some persons again , IT'S VERY DANGEROUS because of the gases SO2 , SO3...

etc ...
The short "story" :
I would really like to receive some help because I'm a mess right now , don't know from were to start HOW to start and what should I do in order to obtain that precious copper powder that I wish to put in the epoxy resin along with some big quartz crystal or even quartz sand of 98,7 SiO2 purity !
Thank you kindly and I wish you all a wonderfull day!