Hello guys, I have a general question that I am confused. I know how to draw the orbital diagrams but I have a question when connecting the
pi-bonds in the molecule for
Here is the Orbital Diagram for the molecule

I have no problem drawing it. I have got the exact same answer, it was quite easy, since I am learning O-chem on my own for the summer before I take my course on O-chem at my university this fall.
So, back on topic, the two carbon atoms on the left and right are supposed to have
hybrid orbitals sp2, and the middle carbon is supposed to have
hybrid orbital sp. This leaves the two carbon atoms, left and right, with
one un-hybrid P-ordbital, while the middle carbon is left with
two un-hybrid P-orbital.
Now, here is the confusing part that is getting me, when connecting the
Since the left and right carbon has sp
2 orbitals, that leaves these two carbons with a P
z orbital.
The middle carbon has sp orbital, that leaves the middle carbon with the P
y, and P
z orbitals.
Here are my questions based on what I have mentioned above:
1. Should the left carbon have the P-orbital oriented towards the z-coordinates?
2. If so, then how would you connect the pi-bonds, since you will be left with three P
z orbitals, and one P
y orbital?
Help would be MUCH appreciated! Thanks.