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Colours in Organic Chemistry: Predicting Colours

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One interesting example of taking the conjugation aspect of color to its limits is polyacetylene. Where you have a polymer with (-C=C-)n. The color of such a highly conjugated material is metallic metal! A very odd plastic indeed, I have been fortunate enough to see this polymer.

Donaldson Tan:
wow.. does it exhibit metallic properties?

Yup, the organic chemist won the nobel prize for it, it was relatively recent.


Just got finished reading it, neat stuff. So it pretty much boils down a new plastic that can conduct electricity, right? One thing I was fuzzy on, does it ALWAYS conduct, or do you gotta do something special first? So lets say I get my hands on this new polymer, and hook up a battery and lightbulb to it. Will it work as a wire just like a copper wire would?


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