General Forums > Generic Discussion

The top bar thingy


What happened to all the options at the top of the forums? All I got is chemical forums, logout, and buy chemicals...

The top bar thingy is called the "Top Menu" all of the links that were there are now to your left in the "left hand menu" under the category "Interact". I usually move things around here and there to try tand make the forum look nicer.

May I just suggest allowing us to edit the shout-boxes as there is one really long post in there which is squishing all the articles into a very thin column and just making things look kind of out of sorts.  Being able to edit our posts so that we can fix things like that, or so we can pester other posters into doing that, would be great.   ;D

Donaldson Tan:
The menu column could use a bigger font-size..

Maybe instead of bigger font size, a different color maybe? Not sure how that would go with the rest of the color scheme though. Its just kind of hard to notice, but that may be because I don't have this mystical power of "perception" that people speak of...  ::)


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