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Topic: Discouraged - Sophomore Chem BS @ Geneseo  (Read 9884 times)

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Offline cjb19

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Discouraged - Sophomore Chem BS @ Geneseo
« on: February 18, 2012, 07:53:33 PM »
So a bit of background - you can ignore this and read the bold part, basically I'm average and my GPA has really taken a hit since getting a C- in Physics I (calc based, required for chem majors)

Took AP chemistry in high school, really enjoyed it, didn't study at all for test and teacher ill prepared us for it. A in the class, 3 on the exam. Thought I wanted to be a Dentist senior year of high school till last fall. Just realized I didn't really have any real interest in it and would prefer to look for something I was actually interested in.

I've completed Gen chem (B+), Orgo I (B), Orgo II (B-), and Gen chem lab (A-) Intm Lab (B) orgo lab (B). So my major GPA is a 3.11. Overall GPA is a 3.17, and sGPA is something like a 2.9. I was doing pretty well until Fall 2011, when Analytical Physics I RUINED me. Nearly failed, got a C-, which is required. Got a 2.45 that semester which was extremely discouraging coming off of the high of having a 3.64 GPA Spring 2011.

Currently I'm taking Biochem, Physics II, Adv Orgo lab, physics lab, and two anthro classes (potential minor).

Got back my first tests for physics and biochem, 69 biochem, 65 physics (probably more like a 75 with partial credit since it was online). They were right on the class average mark, so although that means I have C+/B- currently in those classes....that's not where I want to be. SUNY Geneseo is what people like to call a "public ivy" and so although some of me (ex) study buddies are at or below my level grades wise, a lot of my friends and fellow chemistry majors have accomplished A's/A-'s in nearly everything. I know how hard they work, I know how hard I work (which is obviously not hard enough and I try harder each time), I simply don't know what to do at this point.

What if I'm just stuck getting B's and having a 3.0-3.2 for the rest of my undergrad career? Do you think people should really go into the chemistry field if they are unable to attain an A?

Besides me having a pity party all over the page, you don't really have to answer to that.

I'm really interested in what I've learned in Orgo and Biochemistry so far, and I really have enjoyed going to class and the office hours of these professors (I can't go like every week, but I do tend to go to their office hours every other week). I have biochemistry with a professor researching pearly everlasting and it's medicinal uses (not sure if thats actually current..). But I really want to go to graduate school for Biological Chemistry/ Organic Synth/ Biological Chemistry or something related. I really want to ask him if he has room for me in his research group next year, but I don't want him to laugh in my face because he can clearly look at my transcript and the test grade I got and infer what he wants about me.

So, my question is how do you go about asking a professor to join their research group if your grades aren't stellar, but average???

Offline Jasim

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Re: Discouraged - Sophomore Chem BS @ Geneseo
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 09:36:46 AM »
Grades aren't indicative of future success, sometimes they aren't very indicative of academic capability. Life is life, it gets in the way in all kinds of ways.

I would talk to the professor about your desires and future aspirations and even your trepidation and concerns about your grades. Approach the situation as it is, that you are requesting advice, assistance, and an ongoing relationship with a possible mentor. Be open and honest about your feelings regarding the matter (but not unprofessional or over emotional of course).

Passion for a field can be a lot more important than good grades. If he's a good professor and mentor, then he already understands this. If not, then maybe he's not the best mentor anyway.

EDIT: That being said, if you ever intend on going to graduate school you should expect to have to work a bit harder. For admission to graduate programs a GPA at least 3.0 is expected and in graduate programs lower than a B is considered failing.

Offline cjb19

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Re: Discouraged - Sophomore Chem BS @ Geneseo
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2012, 12:29:07 AM »
Thank you so much for your answer! I guess life does get in the way a bit sometimes, and I am continuously working on that balance.

I will definitely try to talk to the professor I have for biochem. He can come across as a bit harsh, making fun of premed students a lot and talking about how you will never get a job if you can't even prepare a buffer solution, but he seems like he cares. He's also very intelligent, probably one of the most brilliant chemistry faculty at my school. I'll have to talk to him about my grades and aspirations at going to grad school for biological chemistry when I'm in a good mood and didn't just get back a bad test grade :). I guess I'm just sick of getting B's, an A every once in awhile would be nice. And being able to do something in the department I can have real results for.

I would also like to say that I have an unpaid internship at a freshwater research lab. They don't have the funding to pay, but I figure if I can get in 200 hours of experience this summer it would help

Offline zs3889

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Re: Discouraged - Sophomore Chem BS @ Geneseo
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2012, 06:54:05 PM »
You mentioned that you are interested in what you learned in organic and biochemistry, you should try to look for med chem related research group in your school. or try to enroll in med chem subject such as drug discovery. its really interesting. I am a chem major undergrad, but at the same time i am also taking med chem I and II as my technical elective. and also I am working in a med/bio chem related research lab in my school. I am happy with what i am doing right now and it (drug discovery) could potentially be my future plans.

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Re: Discouraged - Sophomore Chem BS @ Geneseo
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2012, 11:59:21 PM »
I definitely want to. I'm also interested in Geochem/archaeology related things. It's pretty hard to get into the orgo/biochem related groups here since they are the most popular. I am actually starting research this Tuesday! It's all soil analysis/inorganic related but I'm really excited about it since I could potentially do lab work in a related setting this summer (I'm planning on going on a archaeological field school)

Offline Jasim

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Re: Discouraged - Sophomore Chem BS @ Geneseo
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2012, 12:39:21 PM »
Many lab techniques are transferable. I started out in a psychiatric research lab, but I got my basis of analytical chemistry experience there and I'm now doing what I love in an analytical chemistry lab for pharmaceutical research. Great to hear you get into a lab position! Utilize every opportunity you can to learn as many different techniques as you can and get that working experience. It will be very valuable to you later on.

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