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Topic: seeking for a fuel cell..  (Read 7085 times)

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seeking for a fuel cell..
« on: November 28, 2005, 04:43:15 PM »
hey does anyone know where i can find the Novars 3kw or 5kw nano fuel cell???

i have been looking for it on the internet and all i could find was the bike that has the 3 kw fuel cell with a price, and even so i could not find where they sold it.... perhaps if someone could help me finding out who are the distributors of this technology???

also you may be interested to read about it.... most amazing thing i have seen, weights less than 5 pounds, can hold it in you hand and has a power output of 3000 watts, how it does so i have not idea, but its pretty amazing.  i rememmber reading in Time magazine that it made it into the 100 top inventions of the year, and they made a motorbike that has a range of 100 miles on 5 oz of H2(g) at 50 mph :o

also if you have any bright ideas as to how to compress hydrogen without having something that is too expensive to do the job, your help would truly be most appreciated.  
« Last Edit: November 28, 2005, 04:46:13 PM by 3.3.141592653 »
currently a student attending high school in South Florida, capital of all the hurricanes that come through the US, and the sunshine state.  My interests falls into electrochemistry going to renewable resources of energy, i like hydrogen fuel cells and solar energy

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Re:seeking for a fuel cell..
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2005, 07:33:46 PM »
have you checked http://froogle.google.com you can usually find what your looking for. Check http://ebay.com also if you don't mind used, but you may be lucky to find things new.
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Offline buckminsterfullerene

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Re:seeking for a fuel cell..
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2005, 10:14:38 PM »
thanks for the site, i found it interesting.. did not know it existed.  but i still did not find the fuel cell.. :(
currently a student attending high school in South Florida, capital of all the hurricanes that come through the US, and the sunshine state.  My interests falls into electrochemistry going to renewable resources of energy, i like hydrogen fuel cells and solar energy

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