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Topic: make nitric acid at home?  (Read 135400 times)

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Offline TheRal

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Re: make nitric acid at home?
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2011, 01:54:04 PM »
my bad, didnt read the rules.

Offline Fluoroantimonicacid

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Re: make nitric acid at home?
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2011, 03:33:12 PM »
I live in Turkey,and you can easily buy %20-25 nitric acid as lime dissolver. I still don't understand why they ban nitric acid in USA etc. The terrorists or so probably won't buy nitric acid from hardware stores. They've got a lot of channels and banning nitric acid does not change anything. Also,if they ban nitric acid they should also ban bleach,cos you can easily make potassium chlorate from bleach.

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Re: make nitric acid at home?
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2011, 02:03:34 AM »
I live in Turkey,and you can easily buy %20-25 nitric acid as lime dissolver. I still don't understand why they ban nitric acid in USA etc. The terrorists or so probably won't buy nitric acid from hardware stores. They've got a lot of channels and banning nitric acid does not change anything. Also,if they ban nitric acid they should also ban bleach,cos you can easily make potassium chlorate from bleach.
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Offline vmelkon

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Re: make nitric acid at home?
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2011, 10:10:36 AM »
People in the US can buy a lot of KNO3 marketed as stump remover. Here in Canada, I have not seen it.
Also, people in the US can buy 20 Kg bags of NH4NO3 from their local hardware store. I haven't see this here either.
You can even buy "cold packs" with NH4NO3 or urea. Here, I've only seen packs with urea.

I don't know what the deal with this place is. Is there a actual ban? The stores don't stock them?

Offline godneal

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Re: make nitric acid at home?
« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2012, 12:34:31 PM »
it would seem that by addin fuming sulfuric acid (and this is just theory as i have tried neither the reaction listed nor with the changed ingrediants) to the reaction would remove the water and by changing from a open burner you will probly want an oil bath to more carefully control the tempratire.  checking an industreal msds info for nitric acid will give you its boiling point.  using a fractationa distilation should yeild in the neighborhood of pire nitric acid.

Now for the recent restrictions on nitric acid its self comes from tje dumb people who A go nuts and try to blow something up or they mix up a batch and blow themselvs up. 
and as for google repprting stuff the warents were issued because there was evidence on a seized computer and the warent was used to see if the browsing history had been tamperd with aand if so what sights he went to.

as for the availability in the us your best bet is a pool suplie store they will have nitric acid weather dilute or not it can be refined easily.  (its used as a ph adjuster but can be purcased in fairly large quanities with no real suspision als dairy supplie stores will have both sulfuric and i belive nitric acid but it may be strictly monitored.  pool chem suppliers are where i get my nitric acid from with no adverse friends mailing me or knocking on my door.

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