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Topic: A little uneasy about this  (Read 3613 times)

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Offline kevinkevin

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A little uneasy about this
« on: August 14, 2012, 05:21:01 PM »
  I just got back from Hawaii and I am hoping that this quick observation was somehow not correct, possible due to to an incorrect clock because of the time change or possibly just tiredness. I saw the moon one night and then when I saw the moon the next night it was closer to setting at an earlier time than before.  I thought that the moon sets "later" with each passing night but I just observed it setting "earlier" the next night.  Was this just a quick careless mistake considering it was just on a side note I observed it or is there a gross misunderstanding in my knowledge of moon motion.       

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Re: A little uneasy about this
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 05:41:43 PM »
I guess as long as you have no solid data (ie notes with exact position and hour) you don't have much to worry about. As far as I can tell every night Moon looks "late" when compared to its position the night before. I had this refreshed in the last weeks as I had plenty of time and nothing better to do than observe the Moon while walking back to the camping place  ;)
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