February 07, 2025, 01:09:03 PM
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Topic: working on a counting theory guide for absolute beginners,edit and repost chain?  (Read 2725 times)

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Offline XxXCausticxXx

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Quote from: XxXCausticxXx;4141304

help me out with my rough draft, simply edit the text and re-paste, this is one of my school projects for my organization known as the alias nation, basically I'm going to create a bunch of math tutorials and print them out over the internet using LaTeX, heres the thing though, I'm kinda an utter noob with low directional capacities (I have trouble with ditrectional thought) but regardless, I'm commited, to not only learning but constantly teaching mathemathics. I believe an intuitive, hands on approach that utilizes the mental mind state constantly at a very high rate.

Basically I just want input on it, by all means, edit and re-post to your hearts content until we created a new theorom. also rate it, point out mistakes, give input on original ideas, etc, and please try and train me to be a better educator as well as mathemathician, also, what are the rules for written elipseses points and the wavvy equation sign? I never seen these before wow it's so bizarre


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