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Topic: 3D NMR structure determination resources?  (Read 3634 times)

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Offline fledarmus

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3D NMR structure determination resources?
« on: November 30, 2012, 10:40:58 AM »
Hello everyone,

A friend of mine asked if I could find any resources for 3D NMR structure determination. He has a steroid structure with known stereochemistry at three sites, and has synthesized and separated two diastereomers with a fourth stereocenter. So far he hasn't been able to grow crystals large enough for a single-crystal X-ray, and is now willing to pay a reasonable amount for an NMR structure determination. His lab is in the northeast US if that is important for transporting the samples.

Does anybody know of commercial ventures that routinely perform 3D NMR structure determinations? Or failing that, of a researcher in the field that would be willing to do it for a price? Or even for a good place to look for leads?

Thanks for any help you can provide

Offline Babcock_Hall

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Re: 3D NMR structure determination resources?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2012, 02:21:21 PM »
On pubmed I found the following abstract:
"NMR assignment of the N-terminal TRAF-like RING zinc finger domain of human FLN29."  I am not sure whether or not the receptor in question also has zinc fingers, but it might.

Offline fledarmus

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Re: 3D NMR structure determination resources?
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2012, 03:05:54 PM »
Oh, nothing nearly that complicated! This is a steroid analog with chiral centers on the side chain. The molecular weight is only a little over 400. Nowhere near the complexity of a protein.

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