Hi ive been trying using the beers law for ages to give ideas to a problem session i have next week but have not been able to solve it in the slightest. Would anyone have any ideas on the following:
A drug was mixed into a sample of dog food. The correct composition should be 4.5±0.1% of drug in the food.
Retrieval was performed to recover 95±0.2% drug in food samples. 10g food was dried and diluted to 100ml then 10ml of this was diluted in 100ml hexane.
A standard containing 25mg drug in 100ml hexane was used. hexane was used to set the IR baseline.
Pure dog food = 79%T
Standard = 39.7 %T
Drug enriched food sample = 56.5 %T
Is this within the 4.5±0.1% intended composition?