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Topic: What sort of analytical errors can be encountered in gas-liquid chromatography?  (Read 2638 times)

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Offline CossieG

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What sort of analytical errors can be encountered in gas-liquid chromatography?

And what error could possibly make the peaks go off the charts?

Its not a scaling error as the other sample graphs printed out fine. Just one particular sample came out with peaks off the charts.

The proper height of the peak was 6376433. But one sample came out way high as 101508273

Also, what would make the retention time come out differently each time? Ethanol was analysed and each time it showed a different retention time.

As this experiment was performed outside of my school im not sure on detector or column types but
I can provide the following information:

-the sample was injected manually with a microlitre syringe
-not sure if it was split mode or splitless injection
-the sample was a solution
-the shape of the sample peak is tilted
-it performed an autobaseline before each injection

and, what would happen if gas bubbles were present when preparing the solutions or in the syringe when injecting the sample? would that effect the retention time, peak area or something?

Please note you dont have to get really accurate. if you could just give me a few general or common errors that can occur based on the information given it would suffice as i only need the information for a lab report.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 07:54:14 PM by CossieG »

Offline Arkcon

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What do you know, were told, or can ask about the procedure to determine some of the answers?  For the second question -- And what error could possibly make the peaks go off the charts? -- what can you tell us about the two injections.  Are they exactly the same in every possible way?
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline CossieG

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What do you know, were told, or can ask about the procedure to determine some of the answers?  For the second question -- And what error could possibly make the peaks go off the charts? -- what can you tell us about the two injections.  Are they exactly the same in every possible way?

Everything I know about the procedure is written in my original post. And yes, The two injections were identical.

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