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Topic: Chelation using TiCl4  (Read 3183 times)

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Offline babilon87

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Chelation using TiCl4
« on: March 20, 2013, 01:07:01 AM »
Now I try to find the ratio of nucleophilic addition to chiral aldehyde using Lewis acid.

My senior already setted up the procedure.

1.0M TiCl4 in Toluene(Aldrich) is added to the solution of SM in THF.

But she said me 1.0M TiCl4 is so hard to handle, also it makes aggregation of SM. So Diluted TiCl4 in THF is better.

TiCl4 in THF makes crystal. I know that is TiCl4THF2. So I slowly add TiCl4 to THF for 10x diluted reagent. Then there is no crystal. I added it to SM. But the results show no chelation.

Q1. What happens to TiCl4?

Q2. Could I get some references about TiCl4 for Chelation?(I already have it)

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