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Topic: Why can't I post a reply?  (Read 2647 times)

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Offline Trindaz

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Why can't I post a reply?
« on: March 28, 2013, 12:07:02 AM »
I can't seem to post a reply or edit my original post at

Why is that? I noticed there's a padlock icon on the post - is it 'locked' somehow? I'm able to post replies in other posts.

Also, I checked the help pages and searched for a legend of sorts that would tell me about the padlock or other posting rules and why I wouldn't be able to post, but I couldn't find anything. Where else should I look to find an answer?

Offline Dan

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Re: Why can't I post a reply?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2013, 04:37:27 AM »
Your thread is locked because we do not allow discussions involving self experimentation - this is in line with our policy on self-medication and homemade cosmetics.

See: Forum Rules[/url].

As chemists we are not qualified to offer medical, nutritional or other health advice and do not allow it on these forums. Perhaps look for some sort of dietitian/medical forum to discuss the matter.
My research: Google Scholar and Researchgate

Offline Arkcon

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Re: Why can't I post a reply?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2013, 08:43:30 AM »
I did offer you an option to how to get some answers you need, while still complying with our rules, in my response before I locked your thread:

Trindaz:, if you really want to discuss this topic.  Consider learning the basics of nutrition.  Then, try to summarize what small points of this particular topic you still don't understand.  Then ask those questions, without the personalized self-experimental angle.

What really are the questions you're having with this Soylent process, that aren't answered in the many blog pages, many news stories, the blog owner's Kickstarter, and general nutrition information sources?  Can you start a new thread, that asks just those questions, to see if you can learn what you need to learn -- again, without talking about your own self-experiment?  I did tell you, in the locked thread, that you didn't actually ask anything -- except for everything.  Which is against part of our rules:

Saying something like, "I don't get kinetics can you explain it to me" or "what is a Clausius-Clapeyron equation?" will get you negative responses on this forum. There is no reason to ask a question cold with the amount of information available everywhere on the web. First try to look it up – use google or wikipedia – and come here once you get to the point you don't understand something. Asking question without even trying to research it first is just a sign of laziness, nothing else.

Did you find that part of the rules, when you were searching for what the "lock" icon meant?
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

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