The 3 X S:N is a standard usage in analytical separation techniques to set the LOD. It is the minimum significant signal of a specific analyte that can be measured in that specific system under certain conditions. It is independent from your addition and it should be determined by making standard solutions of your pure analyte in a solvent and measuring these in a simular system as will be used in the eventual method.
But in your case Prim I asume you already did that ? And that the problem you have is the LOD of the analyte in the matrix ? Which depends on the preroccessing method ?
Have you done a ionsupression test first ? To determine how much ionsupression comes from the matrix ? By measuring spiked matrix solutions with respect to standard solutions with simular concentrations ? Also it's best to do this in different concentrations (together with your calibration line) cause the supression can change up the line.
If your supression is known and stable you can do addition in your sample. But if you're talking about a signal lower than the LOD in solvent:analyte solution, the signal you will get extra on your spiked peak is probably lower then the error of your method. You should ofcource define that error first for your spiked matrix solutions ass well as standard solutions.
I hope this helps you a bit

but if you want more specific information it's best if you tell wat kind of system you work with and how you determined your LOD.