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Topic: [Help/Jumpstart] Mathematical Model for chemical reactor.  (Read 2570 times)

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[Help/Jumpstart] Mathematical Model for chemical reactor.
« on: February 08, 2014, 10:45:23 AM »

mechanical engineering student here ;). I have to model and simulate gas flow through a packed bed reactor for a paper.
It's basically air/exhaled air flowing thorugh a granular bed of KO2. There is some stuff that isn't set in stone yet like tubular or square tube, size of the bed etc..

After doing some research i already know the basis are the mass, energy and momentum conservation equations which can be modified/simplified for certain assumptions/scenarios. I know some thermodynamics (heat + mass transfer), fluidmechanics and have a basic understanding of chemical reactions.

What i am searching for is good literature that gives you kind of a step by step guide how to create a sufficient mathematical model. I am a little bit at loss where to start and where to end right now.

How to find the right equations for mass conservation and chemical kinetics, energy conservation and momentum conservation (fluid mechanics?) simplify and couple them and in what order. The two books i have worked with so far give some solid information but are really not much help if you want to create your own model.

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