Hi Borek, does this horizontal axis indicate that between P 11. and 5 one is adding twice as much HCl again before the end point is visible?
Perhaps this is some limitation of my English, but I read what you wrote as "volume of the titrant added between 100% (pH 11.46) and 200% (pH 5.16) is two times larger than the volume added between 0% and 100%". No, these volumes are identical.
I have a special range of litmus paper that measures between 8 and 6.5 - I could also use this.
1. Titrating against pH strips , while possible in theory, in practice doesn't work that good.
2. Your strips won't work, you need an indicator that changes pH on the steep part of the curve, somewhere between 7 and 4. Otherwise your titration results will be quite erratic because you will have serious problems correctly - and reproducibly - detecting end point.