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Topic: The Future of Pharma and its Impact on Organic Chemists  (Read 2070 times)

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Offline Nescafe

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The Future of Pharma and its Impact on Organic Chemists
« on: May 18, 2014, 04:14:25 PM »
Hello all,

Recently I have been getting the feeling that Organic synthesis/medicinal chemistry is in a bit of a pickle. I mean there are still opportunities out there and I love this field but with the whole concept of Blockbuster drugs being a thing of the past, companies downsizing/merging and focusing on specialized medicine and cutting cost using the East as cheap labor I wonder how this will impact the future of secure jobs for us on the west side of the hemisphere who can not move to the east.

If you just graduated with a PhD and had postdoctoral offers from the top schools (Oxford, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, Yale, Harvard) would you do it for the love of the field and the potential of such schools opening doors or be skeptical and cautious of the risk that pursuing this opportunity would mean being too specialized?

I am sort of on this boat and I wanted to get other opinions.


« Last Edit: May 18, 2014, 04:33:54 PM by Nescafe »

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