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Topic: Effective Nuclear Charge of Potassium Ion  (Read 22901 times)

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Offline YuliaSnow

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Effective Nuclear Charge of Potassium Ion
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:05:23 AM »
I am trying to calculate the effective nuclear charge on a outermost electron of a potassium ion (K+).

How many core electrons are in a potassium ion?
I just need to check this, I think it is 10.

My solution

Where Z=protons
and s=core electrons

I believe the number of core electrons is 10 because in a neutral atom of potassium there is 19 electrons and 18 core electrons. Shell 4 where 1 electron originally was becomes 0 when it is a potassium ion. Therefore by removing electron one, the core electrons are the 10 in shell 1 and 2 and 8 is in our outermost shell (not valence).


The effective nuclear charge on the outermost electron in a potassium ion will be 9+.
Logically this makes sense because in Argon, the Zeff=8+ and because potassium has one additional proton, it should be higher, electron configuration is the same in the potassium ion and argon.
Did I do this right?

Thanks in advance

Offline AdiDex

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Re: Effective Nuclear Charge of Potassium Ion
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2014, 01:23:06 AM »
Nope you are wrong ,
By your logic Na11 also have effective nuclear charge equals to 10 , why only Na , all elements from Na  to Cl will have same effective nuclear charge....

Offline YuliaSnow

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Re: Effective Nuclear Charge of Potassium Ion
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2014, 01:28:42 AM »
Nope you are wrong ,
By your logic Na11 also have effective nuclear charge equals to 10 , why only Na , all elements from Na  to Cl will have same effective nuclear charge....

Can you explain what you mean?

I know this is not the case.

Na - 11-10=1
Si - 14-10=4
P - 15-10=5
S - 16-10=6
Cl - 17-10=7

I am saying talking about a potassium ion (K+). It has one less electron, in the question it asks for outermost electron. In this case the outermost will be in the n=3 shell, so the core electrons will be in n=1,2 (2+8=10)

So K+ - 19-10=9

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