In most cases, if something is possible to accomplish, but nobody is doing it, then it's usually because it costs too much to do it. Or at least, it costs more than the old way of doing things with little added benefit.
Wise words. I wish I had a way to send a copy to every overconfident armchair inventor I've met.
Overconfidence is just a prerequisite of the psychology of any inventor

because someone who presupposes he will do worse than what already exists doesn't even give a try. Though, after years of seeing how much the other humans have already invented and how many ideas don't work or aren't adopted, one gets very cautious, yes.
Heating 100kg of thing by 100K within 1000s takes 10kW permanent RF power (radars emit short pulses), that's only 20 magnetrons for kitchen ovens.
At 13.56MHz, the penetration depth in "water" (depends on ions!) is about 0.2m, and with power coming from all directions, a 0.1m thick item would receive a nicely uniform power. Other materials can be thicker. Kilowatt transistors exist for that frequency.
I'm absolutely confident that uniform power in a big volume is feasible with RF, and not even so difficult - and here I'm in my expertise domain. It may be better to have a set of operating frequencies to adapt to the heated material. What I can't tell is what the chemicals need.
Being sorry to let Kris001's thread drift, and hoping he'll get the desired answers, I remind he was seeking:
"industrial uses of microvave-assisted production of compounds, using the palladium(II) complexes as catalyst"