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Topic: Genetics: transcription translation help  (Read 9200 times)

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Genetics: transcription translation help
« on: July 29, 2004, 08:45:56 AM »
OK i just want some clarification on what i am doing is right if it is wrong please help me

first i have a template strand for a part of a DNA
this is

now this strand is decoded via the process of transcription into mRNA where it moves to the cytoplasm.

the mRNA formed is
now with this the mRNA attaches to ribosomes and each amino acid is brought to the mRNA on ribosomes by tRNA. these tRNA molecules have 3 bases that make up an anticodon.
this will form

so far is my process right of transcription / translation.

now the questions

1. how many trna molecules did you make?
would this be 7 since there are 7 anticodons?
2. how many different trna molecules did you make?
*** not sure about this ***i would assume 7 since each trna anticodon are not the same order or is it each trna anticodon gives a different amino acid
3.how many different tRNA molecules would you expect to find in a cell
*** also had problem*** would this be 64 as 4^3 gives the different instructions i would find in a cell or would it be 20 as there are only 20 different amino acids that can be formed.
4.how many amino acids are there in the protein chain you made? how does this number relate to the number of triplets in the DNA molecule you started with? How does the number of amino acids relate to the number of codons in your mRNA molecule?
** please check***would there be 7 amino acids since this is the number of triplets, codons and anti-codons. the number of amino acids that are in the protein chain i made will relate to as the number of triplets, codons and anticodons is the number of amino acids that will be produced.

can someone please give me the best answer for this general question
1. what is meant when we say the 2 strands in a DNA molecule is anti-parallel.

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Re:Genetics: transcription translation help
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2004, 01:03:37 PM »
can someone please give me the best answer for this general question
1. what is meant when we say the 2 strands in a DNA molecule is anti-parallel.

One DNA strand is ordered 3->5 from the first to the last nucleotide, while the other one is ordered 5->3. Moreover, the bases are complementary paired to each other in the DNA. Hope this explaination would be sufficient for you.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2004, 01:03:54 PM by geodome »
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Re:Genetics: transcription translation help
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2004, 02:24:01 AM »
Yes you make 7 amino acids.
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