I found all the equations above (not Boreks' directly above!) relatively easy. Here are a couple which I had to balance in this year's UK Chemistry Olympiad competition, which I got a Ag in

(missed the Au by a couple of marks

), but I was happy to get these right

3 + NO --> N
2 + H
3 + NO
2 --> N
2 + H
I found them easy but harder than a couple on this page so I thought I might as well mention them!
I came across this equation while messing around with a chemistry experiment simulation program (called CrocChem I think):
Zn + HNO
3 --> H
2O + N
2O + NO + Zn(NO
2I checked this reaction out online and different reactions happen with Zn and HNO
3 in different conditions, so this equation may not be very accurate. I haven't tried to balance it myself because I've already seen the coefficients so its hard to try to balance it without 'cheating'! I'm sure most of you will find it easy to balance
