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Topic: application of physical chemistry in Geology and Mineralogy :-\  (Read 9765 times)

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Offline BelarusGirl

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So I have one problem:
I have to write a term paper considering application of physical chemistry in Geology and Mineralogy but I failed to find out any data in web. Maybe somebody have some information on this topic - I'll be very-very glad.
Thanks in advance   ::)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2006, 05:42:08 PM by Mitch »

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Re: I need help :-\
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2006, 03:29:23 PM »
Too broad a topic IMHO. Thermodynamic stability and kinetic studies may be used for description of the way minerals are created. Karst is pure chemistry - whether it is inorganic or physical depends on the point of view. Many analytical methods used in Geology and Mineralogy are based on physical chemistry. You must select something and concentrate on your selection.
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Offline BelarusGirl

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Re: I need help :-\
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2006, 04:58:45 PM »
Thanks, but you see, my task is to make rather short (for 15-20 pages) review and I am to touch upon all the branches of physical chemistry.  :-\
But frankly speaking I don't understand why our geography students must learn chemistry, while they have something about 14 lectures for chemical thermodynamics, kinetics, catalysis, colloidal and electro chemistry. ???
Of course, it's necessary but in such way I think they'll fail to remember something.
And I failed to find any brief review on the topic of my paper. :(

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Re: I need help :-\
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2006, 05:35:26 PM »
in case it helps:
is a cool mineralogy site

at least you can see there a little bit how minerals are chemically analysed
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Re: application of physical chemistry in Geology and Mineralogy :-\
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2006, 10:50:56 PM »
Sounds like you want to write a paper about Physical Geochemistry! (with an emphasis on rocks and stuff)

I LOVE geochemistry, even though I'm more into the analytical side of things now, but I digress...

There's SO much to cover, as Borek said, but it's probably manageable.  For a term paper or something, it's an acceptable topic...if you were writing a journal article, it'd have to be WAY more specific.

SO much to cover...

Heat transfer --> Why Geysers are Hot, why certain rocks get hot faster, maybe even the properties of salt vs fresh water?  How long does it take for lava to cool and form an igneous rock?
Thermodynamics --> Every rock and mineral has a crystal structure...and crystal structures are KEY to measuring bond energies, entropy, and properties and stuff...
Kinetics --> Rates of reaction in nature!  Acid rain eroding limestone and other rocks...deposition and erosion...melting of ice formations (to form geological landmarks like drumlins, etc)

Maybe all those examples are too specific for a term paper, but maybe it got your mind churning.

Lucky for you there's a peer-reviewed book about this stuff!  It's called Advances in Physical Geochemistry by Saxena and Bell.  Go to for's a multi-volume book I believe...even to get your hands on the table of contents would give your paper structure, breadth and a wide range of topics!

Let us know if you need anything else!

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