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Topic: FTIR Interpretation  (Read 3194 times)

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FTIR Interpretation
« on: July 22, 2015, 11:06:12 AM »
Hi there,

I have the following chemical reaction (I hope the formulas are correct)

  • DOPO-VTES + Graphene-Oxide => GO@DOPO-VTES.

Unfotunately, I cannot interpretate the FTIR spectra. There are peaks at wavenumber 3000 and 2400, but I dont know how to explain them.

In my opinition, during the reaction with DOPO and VTES, the P-H bonds are replaced by P-C bonds. I have found a lot of tables with IR-spectras, but I cannot find these bonds. And I cannot find an interpretation for my results.
I found some papers dealing with the same synthsis, but they have another IR-spectra for DOPO (the peaks are totally different). I compared mine with a database and the database approved my results.

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Re: FTIR Interpretation
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2015, 11:24:13 AM »
Are you sure you've labelled your spectra correctly? The red one looks as if it could be DOPO - the 2400 cm-1 band is P-H, 3000 is aromatic C-H. The blue one could be VTES (or DOPO-VTES?) - you've got aliphatic C-H bands at 2900-3000, and what could be Si-O-C at ca. 1050. Both have O-H bands, so may be either wet or partially hydrolysed. Careful with your formulas too - there is no Si-H, and where's the extra carbon come from in DOPO-VTES?

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