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Topic: MSc in Germany  (Read 3273 times)

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MSc in Germany
« on: December 21, 2015, 02:44:54 AM »
I'm currently an undergrad student in University of Delhi, India, majoring in Chemistry. I really want to do my MSc from Germany, essentially because the range of opportunities over there is much, much wider than in India.
I have an average score of 81% (which corresponds to roughly 1.9 on the German grading scale). I was hoping that someone could tell me about my chances of getting a MSc Chemistry in German universities like the Ruhr Universitat Bochum, Freie Alxedander and the Friedrich Alexander Universitat. Or even how common is a 1.9 grade in German undergrad studies. It would be swell if someone could shed light on the class size as well.
Too many questions, I know, but I'm kind of getting nervous over here, so thanks with bearing with me!

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