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Topic: Attachments, Links to Office Documents  (Read 11732 times)

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Offline Doc.AElstein

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Attachments, Links to Office Documents
« on: January 04, 2016, 07:18:19 AM »

Following on from this Thread
From Borek:
..Please don't post links to random Excel spreadsheets nor other Office documents. They can contain malware, so to keep the forum safe I routinely remove accounts of newcomers that post these things for no apparent reason...

_1 )
Is it a forum Policy not to allow a link to a File sharing site to such documents? Or is it permitted if the reasons are clearly stated, and they could be helpful for reference in a post.
My intention would be to try to make the question as clear as possible without a File, but to include A File which might help clarify more, should someone wish / choose to view it.

_2 )
I expect the alternative of offering to supply a File per Email attachment is out of the spirit of keeping everything open within the Forum? I did not see a specific note about that in the Rules, but I expect that is the case. Can someone clarify that.

Hello. I am an ex Practical Physicist, who still reads Old Books and Old Articles. I only occasionally use a Computer. Please be kind to me.

Offline Borek

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Re: Attachments, Links to Office Documents
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2016, 07:48:02 AM »
Is it a forum Policy not to allow a link to a File sharing site to such documents? Or is it permitted if the reasons are clearly stated, and they could be helpful for reference in a post.

In general I prefer when users don't post (either as links or attachments) other file types than pdf, jpg, gif and png - these are typically enough to clearly state the question and give us enough information. In the case of regulars I am ready to accept a bit more.

I expect the alternative of offering to supply a File per Email attachment is out of the spirit of keeping everything open within the Forum?

Asked on forums, answered on forums. Besides, malware sent by an email still counts as a malware, and you will probably have a hard time convincing other forums users to share their emails with you.
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Offline Doc.AElstein

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Re: Attachments, Links to Office Documents
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2016, 08:04:49 AM »
Hi Borek
In general I prefer when users don't post (either as links or attachments) other file types than pdf, jpg, gif and png ..In the case of regulars I am ready to accept a bit more.
Asked on forums, answered on forums. .
OK, I understand.
Thanks for the reply,
Hello. I am an ex Practical Physicist, who still reads Old Books and Old Articles. I only occasionally use a Computer. Please be kind to me.

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