I have an exam coming up and the unit covered includes over 20 new reactions. I understand most of them and how they work, but I would appreciate if the mechanisms/what the products will include could be clearly stated. The following reactions:
1. BH3 and H202
I understand this is anti markovnikov, no rearrangement. If the stereochemistry (syn) could be cleared up I would be grateful.
2. Br2/H20
I understand that the solvent does not participate and I was taught that the Br2 adds to both sides of the Carbon Carbon double bond. I would appreciate if the mechanism could be illustrated.
Stereochem explained
4. Hg(OAc)2/NaBH4
Oxymercuration-demercuration. I understand that the NaBH4 "cuts" off the Hg(OAc)2, and that OAc is a good leaving group. I don't quite understand WHY that works, as well as knowing where to initially attach the Hg(OAc)2
The simple way I was taught to draw the products is to add a 3-membered ring (with the O) between where the double bond is.
6. KMno4/H20 and OH-
I would appreciate the stereochemistry to be explained for this reaction.
I apologize if formatting is wrong. The biggest thing I struggle with is the mechanism behind the reaction and knowing how to have the correct stereochem in the reactions that require it.