I am sorry if this question is too easy!
0.04 mol of a polymer (MW: 1000 g/mol) is reacted with B at 150 C in nitrogen atmosphere for several hours using catalyst (0.05 wt% of polymer)
My question is, how do you calculate 0.05 wt% of polymer so I know how much cat I need? Using the internet, I got an answer of 0.02 g but I am not sure if this is right!
AWK: said, good job. Now, determine how much catalyst you need.
Also, what is the best way to achieve nitrogen atmosphere?
You can use the in-house nitrogen, or purchase a cylinder. Ask whoever handles that at the institution you're at to handle that for you. Those are the
best ways.
Would I need a reflux condenser?
Probably a good idea, but check the protocol. Grab on of those anyway from the institution store room, or requisition it, if those are the rules at the institution in question.
B is not a solvent, it is another reactant.
Interesting. Well, you can tell if it is present in a great stoichiometric excess, then its solvent and reactant, or maybe the protocol calls for solvent. Check by confirming the stoiciometry.
Ask an expert at your institution, you'll be using their lab, so they wouldn't want an accident.
Would I need mineral oil?
For ... ?
Or a schlenk line?
Interesting. You haven't told us what the reaction is, so we can't really say. Why do you think you might need a vacuum and inert gas purging manifold, instead of a reflux condensor? What is the difference in function between the two? And why would you pick one over the other?
Many thanks!
No problem, we're glad to help. ...
... You're uh, ... not affiliated with a university or industrial lab, are you? That's OK, we're glad to help anyone. Give us some more information, to let us know that you know enough to not hurt yourself, and we'll give you some more tips.