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Topic: formula theory of activator and silvering  (Read 9321 times)

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Offline prinagajjar317

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formula theory of activator and silvering
« on: March 25, 2017, 03:13:44 PM »

I have a ACTIVATOR and SILVERING contain name and percentage in weight .
but don't have a idea its a complete contain or percentage.[may be its ok but not sure] and don't have proper theory for how to mix first, flash time between adding chemicals and so on.

ACTIVATOR have 4 contains which is
1.hydrogen chloride [3-5% by weight] 
2.formic acid [5-10% by weight]
3.stannic chloride [2.5-5% by weight] 
4.stannous chloride [2.5-5% by weight] 

SILVERING has a 5 contains which is in three part
first part contain is
1.silver nitrate [20-25% by weight] 
2. ammonium hydroxide [10-15% by weight] 

second part contain is
1.sodium hydroxide [13-20% by weight] 
2.anhydrous ammonia [9.5% by weight] 

third part contain is
1.fructose solution - no ingredients are hazardous according to OSHA criteria [weight don't know]

[all remaining volume of mixture consists of de-ionized water equaling 100% by weight]

and also want to know is this chemicals is enough for activator and silvering or want more..?
anybody can help me for making this solutions please...

Offline nicamarvin

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Re: formula theory of activator and silvering
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2017, 05:14:34 PM »
The information you are reading is probably from a MSDS sheet for spray on chrome,
For activator you can create one Liter  using Stannous chloride 10 Grams, 20 ml of Hydrochloric Acid and then use enough Di water to make 1L solution.

For the Silvering formula, 3 grams of Silver Nitrate in a 500ml of Di water, then 3 grams of sodium hydroxide, this will generate a reaction that will generate Silver Hydroxide, then you dissolve this with ammonium hydroxide, I think it’s about 10 ml, but slowly add about 5 ml until the dissolve the Silver Hydroxide until the liquid is clear, then add enough Di water to make 1L of solution.
For reducer, 5 grams of Glucose and 1 ml of formalin(about 30% strength Formaldehyde) per 1L of water.

That is a very basic set up, you would need to try it first then do adjustments as you see fit.

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