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Topic: Expecting a reply from the moderator  (Read 9272 times)

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Offline adhikary

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Expecting a reply from the moderator
« on: August 24, 2017, 11:39:00 AM »
Dear Moderator,

Today I have posted a problem regarding the Gaussian error message L301. But few hours later I didn't find it. It might be removed or deleted, possible cause may be repeated post if there is no other unknown mistek. First of all, I didn't find the answer previously. secondly, someone asked me to give the above line of the error message, so I posted newly. Anyway I am expecting the answer from the scholars here. Did you check whether there is an answer or not in the previous post before remove it? I am not a boy in age, but in that research area  I am a boy. So I need assistance. You are a great specialist I think in the field and expecting the answer from you of my question. Another problem also I feel, I couldn't find the 'theoretical chemistry forum', could you please assist me to give idea to find it easily? This is also necessary to send a notice to the post provider if the post is removed or delete for a reason. Isn't it? What do you think? Because I already lost an hour to find the post! Hope your answer will be encouraging for me.

Yours sincerely

Keshab K. Adhikary
Keshab K. Adhikary
Center for Environment and Energy Research
Ghent University Global Campus
Yeonsu-Gu, Incheon; S. Korea

Offline Arkcon

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Re: Expecting a reply from the moderator
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2017, 05:13:22 PM »
If you look at the forum, you see that the new topic has been merged with an older one of yours.  We do this when the content is very similar, so that everyone who responds knows what you know, and there's no duplication.

We usually tell you we've done this in the new merged forum thread.  Clearly, we didn't this time.  Sorry about that.


Reviewing your posts, which all of our members can do, you can do as well:;area=showposts;u=107191

You can see we often have done this before.  Often you repost the same question with slightly changed content with a different topic.  Please don't do that, instead continue a thread with the new content, and see if the topic can grow.

You seem to be one of our members who has problems using the software program Gaussian.  We get these threads from time to time.  Many times from you lately.  I'm sorry you don't get much of a response -- I can see you've only gotten one.  It try to help where I can, but I have no idea how this program works or even its general function, so I can't help or give you hints to improve your questions.

Are you asking good, complete questions regarding this program?  Can anyone you show your question to in person tell you the answer, or, if they ask for more information, can you be sure to include that information.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 05:25:04 PM by Arkcon »
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline adhikary

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My Thankful Opinions
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2017, 11:55:37 PM »
Dear ArKcon,

Thank you for your kind reply, but I am not wholly satisfied.

1.   It might started new trend for organizing the posts of the members. This is good in one way that all the posts are summarized or listed in an address would be better for me. But problem is except me none can see it if he/she doesn’t click on my previous post title. So, if I find a member, posted an article which is not relevant to my experience, generally I avoid it. Now the second post, in which I can response, if goes under the previous title, what I find in my case, is a big problem.

2.   My previous post which was related to the ‘self-consistent zero order relativistic approximation’ and how can I get it in Gaussian. The present one is related to the Gaussian error L301. Two are totally different and from the different aspect. If you put it in the present situation, people may not give attention in it.

But I like your organization process as a personal blogging. That of course helpful for me in future by finding the solutions easily if arise same. But important is need response and attention of your all scholars. If that question doesn’t reach to the scholars, what is my benefit?

Another request from me, if there is a Theoretical or Computational or related forum available please suggest me to give post in it. If not, please make it like Physical Chemistry Forum. Then it will be easier to find the relevant experts regarding the issues. As I know, some Chinese discussion sites are very organized and helpful. But due to language and some other institutional reasons I avoid those site.

Better, make individual post site in all the section where the members are participating and automatically the last post title will be the Header. So, repetition becomes reduce and members will be beneficiary. Hope you understand my points and help me regarding the issues. Thank you again in anticipations.

Yours sincerely

Keshab K. Adhikary
Keshab K. Adhikary
Center for Environment and Energy Research
Ghent University Global Campus
Yeonsu-Gu, Incheon; S. Korea

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